New Consultation
New consultation, phone or video, 30 minutes answers to specific questions about special education or 504 plans
IEP Review
IEP review, for current IEP or 504 plan, with suggestions for next plan (plan received by e-mail attachment, results and suggestions returned by e-mail)
Evaluation Request
Evaluation request, assistance with an official request for evaluation
Coaching & Drafting, prepaid
(Excludes mediation, child complaint, or due process.).
Academic Assessments Finder
We find experts you need in reading, writing, math or other content areas!
Transition Planning
Virtual consutation with an older child.
Live Advocate Assistance
For one Fillable Form, including submission to school personnel or school attorney. (An upgrade fee for home based plans)
30 Minutes
1 Hour
5 Hours
Produce final IEP or 504
Produce final IEP or 504 plan proposal, (based on your information), correpsondence to school personnel or experts.
Pre Mediation
Pre-mediation consultation, 1 hour
Due process or child complaint coaching, 1 hour
Due process or child complaint representation
(Includes consult, drafting, and appearance.)